Psychology of Eating

Put very simply, your thoughts, feelings and beliefs actually have a scientific impact on digestion, absorption of nutrients, and metabolism - which is all of the chemical processes that occur within you body in order to maintain life.

What to Expect:

Why, When and How do we eat? In this five-week course, you’ll be going through the following sessions:

  • Why? How stress impacts how you eat & stress management

  • When & How? Eating speed and eating rhythm, metabolism, digestive system meets the nervous system (fight-flight response)

  • How & What? Our thoughts about food, unhelpful/negative thoughts and beliefs, and finding pleasure in what we eat

  • How & What? How we feel when we eat, discovering satisfaction sensations, being present in our bodies, self care

  • Foods & nutrition

  • Opportunities to share experiences and support each other

Group Information

When: Starting January

Time: TBD

Cost: $500.00 ($100.00 x 5 Sessions) - check your health insurance for psychology group therapy coverage

Group size: minimum 6 and maximum 12

Facilitators: Kristy Loewen & Dr. Kelly Penner Hutton

Meet your Group Facilitators:

Kristy Loewen

I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Nutritional Sciences from the University of Manitoba and a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology from Yorkville University. I have a bachelor’s degree in Human Nutritional Studies. I have 15+ years previous work experience leading group sessions in Eating Psychology, nutrition counselling, as well as doing Exposure therapy with trauma and anxiety disorder clients.

Dr. Penner Hutton

I am a Clinical Psychologist and the Clinic Director of Peace of Mind Therapy & Consultation. Eating is something we have all struggled with from time to time (e.g., with mood changes, health issues, stress, trauma, and body changes as we age). After a long day at work I tend to gravitate to the most easy solution which isn’t always the healthiest option. Bringing mindfulness and intention to how we nourish and fuel ourselves is so important for our mental health and overall wellness.

Ready to Sign Up?

Take a moment to fill out the form below. Please note that while we would like to include everyone, this group is limited to 12 people.